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Refractories factory (18th May 23 at 2:33am UTC)
Refractories factory Calcined bauxite is a basis material of refractories, there are Rotary kiln bauxite, shaft kiln bauxite and Round kiln bauxite with grades 85%, 86%, 87%, 88%, 90%, its fire resistance temperature is 1780鈩? has good chemical stability and mechanical performance.
Calcined bauxite has a wide range of uses in the refractory and aluminum industries. The most basic use of bauxite is in the metallurgical sector for the production of aluminum, which accounts for 85% of the total bauxite consumption. The remaining bauxite consumption can be divided into two categories: specialty alumina and "other". Bauxite in special aluminum is used in the production of aluminum nitride, calcined alumina and activated alumina, accounting for 10% of the total consumption of bauxite. The "Other" category refers to bauxites that are mined directly for use in industries such as refractories, cement and caustics. In terms of market size and value, refractory bauxite occupies a significant position in this non-metallurgical market end use.

0-1mm, 1-3mm, 3-5mm, 200mesh, 325mesh
Refractory bricks, Castable, Gunning refractory, Ramming refractory, Aluminum metallurgy, Bauxite cement, Ceramic industry

Calcined bauxite data sheet: (Rotary kiln)

Items85 (%)86 (%)87 (%)88 (%)90 (%)
Al2O3 (min)鈮?5鈮?6鈮?7鈮?8鈮?0
SiO2 (max)鈮?.0鈮?.0鈮?.0鈮?.0?.0
Fe2O3 (max)鈮?.0鈮?.8鈮?.8鈮?.8?.6
TiO2 (max)鈮?.0鈮?.8鈮?.8鈮?.8?.8
K2O+Na2O (max)鈮?.3鈮?.25鈮?.25鈮?.25鈮?.25
CaO+MgO (max)鈮?.5鈮?.45鈮?.45鈮?.45鈮?.45
Moistrue (max)鈮?.5鈮?.5鈮?.5鈮?.5?.5
Bulk density (g/cm鲁)鈮?.1鈮?.15鈮?.25?.3鈮?.4Refractories factory
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