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Verification and notarization of the document (19th Sep 23 at 9:17am UTC)
Today, business documents play a crucial role in many ways. Business consists not only of contracts, but also of special corporate documents aimed at making changes in the corporate structure. Overall, documents are necessary to prove or support certain facts or actions.

Therefore, if an action is not recorded in a document, it can be very difficult to prove that the action even took place. However, several problems can arise in this context: If documents are forged and the actual act did not take place, it can be very difficult to prove otherwise. For this reason, it is necessary to notarize corporate documents for certain actions - this serves as a protection for the company, as it is much more difficult to forge documents that need to be notarized.

The notarization of the document means that an official, i.e. H. a notary who authorizes the signing of the document by a specific person. The notary identifies the person signing the document and attaches a notary seal with a notarial certificate to the document. In this way, every third party can be confident that the signature on the document is real and not forged. This service is called a “notarized signature.” However, you must be aware of the risk that the signatory does not know the contents of the document.

One of the additional/possible (depending on the company) services that can be provided is the authentication of the contents of a document. In this case, not only is the signing party officially identified by the notary, but the contents of the document have also been explained to the signatory by the notary. When the contents of the document are notarized, other people can be assured that the signer is fully aware of what they have signed. However, this service is more expensive, complicated and time-consuming and therefore not widely available in many countries.

Confidus Solutions can assist you in certifying signatures or documents: we have contacts with public notaries and can help you make an appointment at the required time and prepare your documents in full compliance with the notary's requirements.
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