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Management office and Substance (13th Jan 24 at 4:48pm UTC)
Substance matters are becoming tougher within Europe and worldwide for tax purposes, therefore, some clients may prefer to have more physical presence in the place of practicing thanvirtual office services. One of the possible strategies to increase substance – is to establish a functional management office. Substance issues usually arise when local tax authorities require confirmation that the business of the company takes place in the country where the company is registered: they want to see actual presence of commercial activity in stated jurisdiction.

A Company with substance is a company abroad that resembles a classical 'offshore' company, but has so called 'substance' (presence), meaning it has local staff that is on salary, a local physical office and has real local expenditures of running a business, in other words – a management office. It resembles more an actual local company but has ties to onshore business.

For more and more businessmen the economic substance of their company is becoming an overwhelming exercise. Creating economic substance has become quite a hazard, as tax authorities, banks and governmental institutions are looking deeper and deeper into the two main questions: 'What is the actual place of management and control of the company?' and 'Who is the Beneficial Owner?'

Confidus Solutions can provide the substance office in various jurisdictions worldwide, including numerous famous offshore jurisdictions. However, considering the level of complexity and efficiency of providing substance, we would highly recommend considering the following jurisdictions as top choices: Latvia, Cyprus, Lithuania and Hungary - as in those states we can offer more advanced services, rather than purely Virtual Office, as well as more solid grounds to believe that the Company operates in the specific location. The question of Company’s actual place of management and control has lately become crucial not only for tax authorities, but as well for business partners, suppliers, banks and adversaries due to implementation of intergovernmental tax legislation and rapid development of international and online trade.

Top choices:

Management Office in Cyprus
Management Office in Latvia
Management Office in Bulgaria
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