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Design Evolutions Rules - Posted By Ult1m4t3-H4xx0r™ (admin) on 13th Mar 08 at 5:08pm
Forum Rules

Read before posting!

1. No Discrimination - You may not insult members based on their religion, race, sex, political beliefs, sexuality or any other life choice. Perception is a place where everyone is equal, even staff members must conform to these basic rules and discrimination will NOT be tolerated!
2. No Pornography - Please do not post any links or pictures in your signature. Remember that there are people under the age of 18 and are not legally allowed to be looking at that content. If you endanger Design Evolutions to the point that it could be removed, then you will be dealt with quickly and seriously.
3. No Bullying - Do not pick on other members. New members especially should be treated with respect, until they have settled in and gotten to know others. Bullying or picking on newer members damages the member as well as the board. We are all here to learn - even the most experienced members.
4. No Flaming - Comments and Criticism(CnC) is acceptable but anything viewed as verbal abuse targeted towards the topic starter will be viewed as spam or bullying and dealt with accordingly.

If you break one of these rules, the following penalties will apply (first time, second time, third time...).

1. Warning - Depending on how serious a violation is, you may be issued a warning first.
2. Temporary Ban - People who cause more problems after being warned will go straight to a temporary ban.
3. Permanent ban - At this point, it is obvious that will never learn your lesson, thus, a permanent ban is necessary to be rid of the problems you cause.

The following rules are also important:

1. No Illegal Activity - You are not allowed to break the law using Perception. This can get Perception into problematic legal situations. Posting links to any illegal content is a breach of this rule, so this counts as a violation of this rule.
2. No Double Posting or Spamming - Try not to post more than once in a row in the same thread. Posting lots of times in a row reduces the quality of the board, is a waste of the board's memory, and provides the culprit with ill earned post count points. Double posts will be merged into regular posts. Anything missed out in a first post may be added with usage of the "Edit" feature. Double posting my be necessary sometimes, so that's why we will be lenient with this. If we see that one person in particular is doing the majority of the double posting, we will issue a temporary ban.
3. No Topic Bumping - If a topic you created has no replies, do not keep double posting because your topic will be deleted and you will be given a warning (although you may edit the post). If the topic is urgent, serious or doesn't have any post in a day then you may bump it.

Please read these rules carefully and make sure you understand them. If you think we are being to harsh or soft, please post in the suggestions forum and we will look into it.