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What each position entails. (13th Mar 08 at 10:30pm UTC)

You will be required to be active and generally help out. You will need to take care of the board(s) you are assigned to, and keep it active, as well as watch out for any rule-breaking.

Be active on all the other parts of the forum, and contribute in the staff board.

Also, watch out for any rule-breaking on any other boards and let the moderator of that board know. If there is no moderator on that board, just Pm an administrator.


You will be required to be active and generally help out. You will need to take care of the board(s) you are assigned to, and keep it active, as well as watch out for any rule-breaking.

Be active on all the other parts of the forum, and contribute in the staff board.

You will also need to give QUALITY comments and critique to all members who post their work in the showcase boards. If you can't think of anything good to say, don't say anything. Don't be annoying and just say things like "Good Work" or "Nice stuff" because although it's encouraging, it's not helping them to get better.

This is probably one of the harder positions, so make sure you up to it BEFORE applying. Don't get the job and then realize you can't do it. You will be put right down the bottom of the list on any further applications if you want to apply for any more staff positions in the future if we have to demote you.

Resource Staff:

You will be required to be active and generally help out. You will need to take care of the board(s) you are assigned to, and keep it active, as well as watch out for any rule-breaking.

Be active on all the other parts of the forum, and contribute in the staff board.

You will also be required to add all new submissions to the Resource Database and keep it up-to-date and in alphabetical order.
This can be quite a challenging job depending on how many submissions we get at one time. Make sure you up to it before applying.

Also note that under NO circumstances will fighting or arguing between staff members be tolerated. Sort it out via Pm's or in the Staff Board.

This will be updated depending on available positions and new positions that become available.
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