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holistic kart
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Ayurvedic Copper Bottle (4th Jan 23 at 4:48pm UTC)
The Plain Ayurvedic Copper Water Bottle is the most elegant-looking handcrafted water bottle. It is made of 100% pure copper, giving it a smooth and sturdy finish. It blends easily on every occasion for its luxurious look. Copper Bottle purifies the water by killing harmful micro bacteria and produces pure ayurvedic water. It is the best option for saving the environment as it is eco-friendly.

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In Ayurveda, Copper water bottlesblack printed copper water bottle are well known for their anti-bacterial properties. Unfortunately, our body cells do not produce the required amount of copper in the body. When the water is stored inside a pure copper bottle for more than 8 hours, the copper releases its ions into the water.
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