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Read before Applying. (13th Mar 08 at 10:49pm UTC)
Please read through the criteria for the staff position you want.


No post count required at this stage, although people with higher post counts will have more chance of making it.
NO Warnings.


No post count needed, but like "Moderator", the higher your post count, the more chance you have over other members.
NO Warnings.
Must be clearly Moderate or over in graphics skill. You don't need to have a classification thread, but we will know.

Resource Staff:

No post count needed, but again, the higher your post count, the better the advantage you have.
NO Warnings.

Copy and past this into a new thread for your desired staff position.

  1. [b]Name:[/b]
  2. [b]Age:[/b]
  3. [b]Previous Experience on vForums:[/b]
  4. [b]Previous Experience on any other forum:[/b]
  5. [b]Designing Experience:[/b] (E.g. How long have you been designing and any major work you have done, like payed work.)
  6. [b]3 best tags:[/b] (Only needed for the Designer position)
  7. [b]Best LP or Template/Layout:[/b] (Only needed for the Designer position)
  8. [b]Do you have any resources that you could contribute?[/b](Only needed for the Resource Staff position)
  9. [b]Any other information:[/b]

If you don't have an answer for any of the questions, just leave it blank. Try to answer all questions that apply to the position that you want. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me, or Rundown.
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