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Black bag group of the goddess of war (8th Feb 23 at 1:45am UTC)
I don't want to leave a large sum of money after I leave, and I have nowhere to put it, which will cause people close to me to turn against each other. So, Dongshu has to make a will in advance. After the mother of the original owner passed away, the father married another man. Although I still care about her, after all, I have a new home, and I care more about that new home. In addition, the original owner has not been at home since then, and after marriage, he has less contact with the other side. Therefore, everyone's affection is shallow, Dongshu feels that leaving a small sum of money for each other, so that they can live a stable life is the last affection. As for the others? Dongshu hasn't thought too much yet. The will was made after a week of publicity. Dong Shu also specially brought the words. He was so young that he thought more than I, an old man. After Wen Ci knew Dong Shu's purpose, he complained again and again. To this, Dong Shu said helplessly: "Teacher, you are ten years older than me." Wen Ci looks like an old man every day, but in fact, he is only 40 years old. Hum Being exposed to age, Wen Ci was a little annoyed and did not speak with a cold hum. Dong Shu took the words, Liu Jie and Xu Anan together to make a will, but also formally fair, has been recognized by the law. Once Dongshu encounters an accident, 15% of all her property will be left to her father, 10% to Liu Jie and Xu Anan, and 30% to Wen Ci Studio,Wall Penstocks, which is a reward for Wen Ci's kindness. The remaining 45% goes to charity. Xu An and Liu Jie did not expect that they still had a share. Not much, though. But Dongshu's income is amazing now. Guest appearances in international blockbusters have earned a lot, plus the earnings of two albums, as well as foreign episodes. It is said that the first song of "Forest Code 1" has been sent to the International Music Awards. Whether you can win the prize or not, it is an honor. And it will become a benefit in the future. So, even 5% is a lot of money. The reason why Dongshu is so divided is also a careful analysis of the original owner's emotions, as well as the extraction of the original owner's memory. Sister Liu is the Bole of the original owner, the Bole in the circle. Although she is only an artist in the company, she still takes good care of the original owner. Therefore, Dongshu is willing to return goodwill. As for Xu Anan? During this period of time, I was tormented by myself. It's a reward. Dongshu is not a stingy person. But see if she's willing to give. The matter of the will, deal with, Dong Shu is ready to go back to the foreign crew. There's no part for her, but Ares put himself in the group to be hanged, wall penstocks ,rapid sand filters, and she has to listen. And "Forest Code 1" has been sent to the major international award centers, once there is really a chance to win, they must follow the run. Ares appreciates himself, and Dongshu knows how to use this appreciation to climb up cleverly. Only before leaving, Dongshu unexpectedly met a person. Shao Zhiyan. The ex-husband of the original owner. The first time we met, Dongshu thought the other party was confused, so she killed her ex-husband back. Not only did the other side not paste. At the beginning of the year, the ratings of the telephone drama were very good. Although there are different opinions on the Internet, Shao Zhiyan's acting skills can be affirmed. It's just that no matter how good his acting skills are, you can't deny that he is a scum. In his marriage to the original owner, he was a traitor and could not be forgiven. At least before the death of the original owner, although a lot of complaints, unwilling to have a lot. But for Shao Zhiyan, Dongshu carefully felt the mood of the original owner, do not want to forgive and never meet the proportion of more. The original owner is more emotional, or feel sorry for himself who once paid foolishly. Had it not been for Shao Zhiyan, the original owner felt that he might have been popular long ago, even higher than Shao Zhiyan's achievements today. Also because of the perception of this emotion, and carefully analyzed, the original owner before the suicide of those feelings. Therefore, Dong Shu will be so hard to brush the achievement. Now I'm a little surprised to meet Shao Zhiyan. Can we have a cup of tea together? Shao Zhiyan is much more silent than before. Only this silence, but for him to add a bit of introverted temperament, so that he is more manly. Dongshu can't feel it. But occasionally listen to Xu Anan mentioned the news on the Internet, their own look at a few eyes, will also see Shao Zhiyan's sense of existence. Do not pay much attention, occasionally see, will not deliberately avoid. Don't treat him as a special one, neither elevate nor degrade him.
Now see Shao Zhiyan again, the original owner of the residual emotions, only a trace of relief, and no more emotions. Dongshu thought that the original owner might really want to let go before committing suicide. Let go of the past and let go of the past. I just want to make my life better. Why did you commit suicide in the end? Dongshu has never figured this out. But to be able to analyze what the original owner's possible wishes are, Dongshu is already satisfied. Anything else? Don't want to explore more. The two men found a very secret tea house and sat together drinking tea like old friends. Dongshu is not in a hurry to speak. Shao Zhiyan was silent for a long time. How have you been recently? Shao Zhiyan asked a nonsense after a long silence. How is Dongshu recently? The dynamic on the Internet has been following up. Whether it is good or not, you will know at a glance. And Dongshu now compared to the spirit of the past, the good is not too much. All right, can't Shao Zhiyan see it? Shao Zhiyan also realized that he had asked a stupid question. Finally, he smiled helplessly, with a little bitterness. Not that bad Dongshu did not pretend to be silent, but neither light nor heavy should be two words. Shao Zhiyan raised the corner of the lips, the bitter meaning is heavier. I can't go back. Never a moment of feeling, so thick, so heavy. He and Ling Ling really can't go back. But why are you so sad? He admitted that he had been blind in the past, and once he was blind, he was blind all his life. But in this life he woke up, still can't? Holding the teacup tightly,lamella tube, Shao Zhiyan's voice was soft, with some imperceptible trembling: "In the future, do you have any plans?" 。
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